By Your Window
Photographs by Alexa Cushing and Connor Noll
On view May 8th - August 31st
Artist Reception on Friday June 9th, 6pm-8pm
RSVP to the reception here
All work is available for purchase. Please contact for more information.
Alexa Cushing, "Devil's Swamp"
The Bridgewater Triangle is a region in southeastern Massachusetts that has been home to countless paranormal experiences, dating back to colonial times. This 200 square mile area is centered around Hockomock Swamp. Hockomock, in Wampanoag, means “place where spirits dwell”. Colonists simply referred to this area as “Devil’s Swamp”. Reports include sightings of unexplained ghostly figures, mysterious lights, UFOs, large prehistoric birds, and Native American monsters. The area is also a hotspot for crime, including cult activity and a string of gruesome murders in the 70s and 80s. Locals who are interested in this folklore believe that the area is an otherworldly portal into another dimension. Other believers claim that the history of war between Native Americans and colonists has cursed the land.
Alexa’s work, Devils Swamp, is an investigation of her home region of Massachusetts. Is this area truly an otherworldly hotbed, or has the folklore of the Bridgewater Triangle become a way to connect and assign meaning to an otherwise wearisome working class community? Alexa’s images examine the mythology of this place, and furthermore the residents’ desire to be apart of something greater than themselves.
View Alexa’s website here
Connor Noll, "Please Drop Me Off Here, I Think I'm Going To Walk Home" & "It Doesn't Look Anything Like the Picture"
Connor Noll is a photographer based in Boston, Massachusetts. Noll’s work often explores themes of nostalgia, mystery and narrative; his practice consists of both stand alone images as well as long term projects. In 2021 he received his BFA in photography from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Noll’s work has recently been included in group exhibitions at various galleries including The Griffin Museum of Photography, Gallery 263, and the Photographic Resource Center. He was also a finalist for The Independent Photographer Emerging Talent Award in 2020.
View Connor’s website here
Press for By Your Window